Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery
Find Us Health Center
Plastic surgery involves a range of procedures designed to enhance the appearance of the face and body. At our clinic, we believe that plastic surgery is not just about appearance, but also about how it makes you feel. That is why we offer a personalised approach to plastic surgery and provide a range of options suitable for both men and women. If you're interested in learning more, feel free to reach out to us through our website for more information and to schedule a consultation.
Our services in Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery department
Rhinoplasty can be made through an open or closed approach. The open approach requires that small incision is made across the nose while the closed approach is a surgical procedure that is performed inside the nose. Dr Mak has a national and international clientele who travel specifically to Antalya to have their noses sculpted by him. He can correct a short or long nose, increase the tip length or just refine it, reduce the nasal bridge and eliminate a nasal or dorsal bump.
- Anaesthetic – General
- Length of stay – 8 nights
- Length of operation – 2-3 weeks
- Return to normal life – 10 days
The crooked nose is usually the result of a crooked septum and nasal bones. In addition to causing cosmetic deformity, this often causes breathing problems. Repairing a crooked nose is a complex procedure that requires understanding of the airway. It is important to note that no surgeon can promise a perfectly straight nose. This is because the nose consists of cartilage which has “memory”. This means that the cartilage likes to go back to where it was before. Dr Mak does his best to ensure that cartilage remains in its new and straight position.
First of all Dr Mak will want to understand your goals and expectations. If he agrees with your expectations he will walk you through every step of the way. During your surgery, Dr Mak will reshape your nose while you are under the care of experiences anesthesiologists. After the surgery, you will have a light splint on your nose for a week. Most people can go back to your normal life one week after surgery.
Rhinoplasty is already a very specialized area of plastic surgery, but revision rhinoplasty can provide to be the most difficult. Dr Mak will need to hear your goals for the surgery in order to design the best plan of action for your revision. He does not perform “cookie-cutter” procedures. He will lay out a plan for your revision to give you the natural and aesthetically pleasing results you want.

Facelift & Necklift
A facelift is the best tool that can restore the natural youthful contours of the face. Dr Mak effectue des variations de lifting en fonction des besoins du patient. If there is a non-surgical way of improving the contours of your cheeks, jawline or neck Dr Mak will definitely recommend that first. However, after a certain point, excess and sagging skin and muscles requires surgery to restore youthful appearance.
- Anaesthetic – General
- Length of stay – 7 nights
- Length of surgery – 2/3 hours
- Return to normal life – 10 days
Much like a full facelift a mini-facelift is a surgical procedure which gives patients a more rejuvenated appearance by removing and tightening sagging facial skin and muscles. In mini-facelift incisions are smaller, the surgery is shorter and the healing is faster.
Incisions start at your temple(hiding inside your hairline), run down in front and your ear and end in your lower scalp. Dr Mak can redistribute or transfer fat, reposition deep tissues, lift muscles and remove excess skin.
Incisions usually start in front of your ear lobe and continue behind your ear to end in your lower scalp. He may also make an additional incision under your chin.
Upper eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty)
Upper eyelid surgery is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the eyelids.
Excess skin can result in a tired appearance and can also cause experiencing functional problems with your eyelids. An upper eyelid surgery can often be performed in the clinic with local anesthesia. Via the incision, Dr Mak will remove a small amount of fat and/or excess skin can be excised. One the eyelid surgery has been completed, the skin is closed with very fine sutures which are removed/dissolved several days later, and in time the scars will fade to be barely visible.
- Anaesthetic – Local, sedation or general
- Length of stay – 5 days
- Length of operation – 1 hour
- Return to normal life – 1 week

Lower Eyelid Surgery
Surgery to fix lower eye bags and excess skin is more involved procedure than upper eyelid surgery and mostly requires a general anesthesia.
Dr Mak sometimes combines this procedure with a lower eyelid fat transfer to ensure the most youthful and durable results. The structures of the lower eyelid can be approached by an incision below the lower eye lashes(subciliary) or inside the lower eye lid(conjunctival).
As the skin is so thin around the eye area, almost all patients will have some bruising around eyes , which can take 2-3 weeks to completely resolve however , this can generally be covered with make up after 1 week.
- Anaesthetic – General or sedation
- Length of stay – 5 nights
- Length of operation – 1 hours
- Return to normal life – 1 week
Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)
Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, can improve the shape, position or proportion of the ear. It creates a more natural shape while bringing balance and proportion to the ears and face.
Correction of even minor deformities can have profound benefits to appearance and self-esteem.
- Anaesthetic – General
- Length of stay – 5 nights
- Length of operation – 90 minutes
- Return to normal life – 1 week

Lip Lift
A lip lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure and o create balance and a more aesthetically pleasing shape of your lip area.
- Anaesthetic – General & Local
- Length of stay – 4 nights
- Length of operation – 1 hour
- Return to normal life – 10 days
Forehead Lift
- Anaesthetic – General
- Length of stay – 5 nights
- Length of operation – 1 hour
- Return to normal life – 1 week

Breast Uplift
A breast uplift raises the breasts by removing the excess skin and thightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour.
Breast uplift does not significantly change the size of your breasts or round out the upper part of your breasts. If you want your breasts to look fuller, you should consider breast implants with your breast uplift surgery. If you want smaller breasts, consider combining breast uplift and breast reduction surgery.
- Anaesthetic – General
- Length of stay – 8 nights
- Length of operation – 2-3 hours
- Return to normal life – 2 weeks
Breast Implants
Breast enlargement has become a very popular treatment nowadays and Dr Mak most often carries out. This procedure can also restore breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy.
Breast implants does not correct sagging breasts. A breast uplift may be required along with a breast augmentation for sagging breasts to look fuller and lifted.
- Anaesthetic – General
- Length of stay – 7 nights
- Length of operation – 1 hour
- Return to normal life – 2 weeks

Breast Reduction
Breast reduction is a procedure to remove excess fat, tissue and skin to achieve a breast size more in proportion with your body and reduce the discomfort associated with extremely large breasts.
You can have breast reduction at any age. But if your breasts aren’t fully developed, you might need a second surgery later.
Dr Mak usually makes an incision around your areola and down each breast (anchor type). He removes excess breast tissue, fat and skin to reduce the size of each breast. He might need to remove the nipple and areola and then reattach at a higher position as a skin graft if your breasts are very large. You should postpone your breast reduction surgery if you have certain future plans such as; childbirth and weight loss.
- Anaesthetic – General
- Length of stay – 7 nights
- Length of operation – 2 hours
- Return to normal life – 2 week
Many women are left with excess skin in the abdomen because of previous pregnancy or weight loss that can only be corrected with tummytuck surgery.
Tummytuck procedure tightens the abdominal muscles and tissues of the abdomen. If your waistline lacks an attractively narrow contour, tummytuck surgery can help you achieve better pronounced abdominal definition and greater confidence in your appearance. Dr Mak mostly combines this surgery with abdominal liposuction. There are two types of tummytuck;
- An incision is made in the lower abdomen along the bikini line that extends from hip to hip
- An another incision is made around belly button
- The abdominal muscles are sutured together to enhance core support
- Excess skin is removed away
- Liposuction may be performed to suction away unwanted fat
- The remaining tissues are tightened around the newly improved abdominal contour
- A single incision is made in the lower abdomen along the bikini line
- The abdominal muscles are tightened
- Excess skin is removed away
- Liposuction may be performed
- This technique is best for women post-pregnancy who have abdominal laxity but minimal excess skin
- Anaesthetic – General
- Length of stay – 7 nights
- Length of operation – 2-3 hours
- Return to normal life – 2 week

Body Contouring – Liposuction
Removal of localised fat is referred to as body contouring and is carried out using liposuction. Candidates should be in good health. They should also have realistic expectations and be psychologically and emotionally stable.
Candidates should be already at or near their desired healthy body weight but have areas of persistent fat that resist diet and exercise.
- Anaesthetic – General or Local
- Length of stay – 4 days
- Length of operation – 1-2 hours
- Return to normal life – 1 week
- Chin
- Arms
- Back
- Abdomen
- Flanks
- Thighs
- Knees
Brachioplasty – Armlift
As collagen production slows as aging progresses, the skin sags and makes your skin less elastic than at younger age. Another cause of sagging, especially under your arms is excessive weight gain or rapid weight loss.
An armlift is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the lower part of your upper arms. The length and shape of the incisions depend on how much skin is removed. After making the incisions , Dr Mak will tighten your tissues and muscles and secure them with stiches. He may also use liposuction to remove away the excess fat.
- Anaesthetic – General
- Length of stay – 5 nights
- Length of operation – 1-2 hours
- Return to normal life – 2 weeks

Thigh Lift
Thigh lift surgery reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin and fat, resulting in smoother skin and better proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body.
- Anaesthetic – General
- Length of stay – 5 nights
- Length of operation – 1-2 hours
- Return to normal life – 2 weeks
Labiaplasty is performed to reduce the inner lips in the genital area and to make them aesthetically better. Appart from aesthetics, labiaplasty surgeries have sexual , hygienic, psychological and social benefits.
Labiaplasty is an extremely common procedure that shrinks and reshapes the female external genitalia. This plastic surgery is most commonly done to alleviate discomfort caused by large , thick or asymmetrical labia minora, also called labia minora hypertrophy. The process shrinks the tissue and ensures that the folds do not hang under the large lips. The asymmetry can also be corrected when one is longer than the other, and the length of both labia can be reduced so that they are no longer bent or pulled.
- Anaesthetic – Local or General
- Length of stay – 4 nights
- Length of operation – 1 hour
- Return to normal life – 1 week

Vaginoplasty is a procedure designed to tighten the vagina. After child birth, women may complain of vaginal laxity, resulting from stretching of tissues and seperating of muscles , sometimes to the point that a tampon falls out, and this lack of tone can contribute to sexual dysfunction.
- Anaesthetic – General
- Length of stay – 4 nights
- Length of operation – 1 hours
- Return to normal life – 2 week
A vaginoplasty brings the separated muscles together, and the extra mucosa skin from the back side of the vagina is removed. The external skin can also be removed for a more aesthetic appearance.
Once the amount of thightening to be done is determined, a pie-shaped wedge is marked to delineate the extra skin to be removed from inside the vagina. Beneath the skin , the tissues are tightened with strong sutures. Once I be vaginal canal has been tightened, the mucosal skin is sutured closed. If there is external skin that protrudes , this can be reduced as well for a a more aesthetic result.
Patients may have one to two weeks of down time. They may feel ache for the first few days , and there is no tampon use or intercourse for 4 weeks.
Dr Mak uses hyaluronic acid dermal fillers to smooth , lift , sculpt and rejuvenate the face.
Dermal fillers treatments are a convenient and non-surgical solution if you want to refresh and enhance your appearance. Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are particularly effective if you would like to :
- Define, sculpt and lift the face with cheek fillers
- Improve shape and enhance lips with lip fillers
- Revive and refresh tired-looking eyes with tear trough fillers
- Smooth away wrinkles and deep folds with facial fillers

BOTOX successfully restores a youthful and more aesthetically attractive face, effectively improving the signs of ageing.
At Dr Mak clinic we use botox to reduce and treat facial lines and wrinkles.
Top Areas On Face To Treat With BOTOX!
- Botox for forehead lines
- Botox for crow’s feet – Lines on the upper two thirds of the lateral eye.
- Botox for frown lines
- Botox for bunny lines
- Botox for chin dents
- Botox for masseter muscles
- Botox for brow lift
- Botox for gummy smile
- Botox for hyperhidrosis
- Botox for lips
Surgery to remove the breast tissues usually involves liposuction of the excess fat , surgical removal of the excess glandular breast tissue through an incision in the margin of the nipple-areolar complex and/or skin excision (in very large breasts)
- Anaesthetic – Local
- Length of stay – 4 nights
- Length of operation – 1-2 hours
- Return to normal life – 1 week

Penis Enlargement
Penis fat grafting also called fat transfer phalloplasty has the ability to provide a larger penis by transfering the patient’s own purified fat from one area of the body to the penile shaft.
Using the body’s own fat supply removes the risk of an allergic reaction. If you think your penis is too small in proportion to your body size or if you just want a larger penis you should consider penis enlargement.
- Anaesthetic – General
- Length of stay – 4 nights
- Length of operation – 1-2 hours
- Return to normal life – 2 week
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